Top tips for virgin glampers…

Here at Under the Oak we are new to this glamping malarky but we’ve done our research and we think we’ve got a pretty good grasp of what it’s all about.

Glamping is not camping. You will sleep in a proper bed, with proper bedding – not a sleeping bag in sight! You will have a toilet, which flushes, and a proper hot shower. You won’t have to exist on a diet of spam and beans, rustled up on a teeny calor gas stove.

But it’s not a hotel so you will be getting back to nature and settling into a more relaxed pace of life. Here are our top tips to prepare for your adventure.

Remember your wellies…

And warm jumpers, and waterproofs, and bathing costume, and suncream. Remember that whatever the season, our good old Welsh weather can be a little unpredictable so come prepared for scorching hot days and chilly evenings. Essentially, be prepared to experience and embrace the great outdoors!

Ditch the devices…

Ok so you probably won’t leave your mobile behind. And yes, there is often 4g but some people do chose to go ‘electronics free’. It’s a frightening thought for most of us but you’ll be amazed by the feeling of freedom it can bring – like a detox for the soul.

Think about food…

If you are planning on cooking a lot then barbeques are a natural choice. For a little variety, why not plan some hearty one-pot meals which you can rustle up on the campfire or the camp kitchen. A warming chilli or stew always go down well or in warmer months, salads and pastas. By keeping it simple, even the camp chef should get a little time to unwind.

Bikes or boots…

However you like to explore an area, come prepared with your hiking boots or your mountain bikes. There are so many beautiful areas to discover without having to jump in the car. Just a fifteen minute walk from Under the Oak brings you to the top of the Rhymney Valley Ridgeway with astonishing panoramic views across the Bristol channel and up to the Brecon Beacons.

Go with the Flow…

Days out are great but allow time for down time. Allow the pace of life to slow down. Watch the birds and the clouds. When it gets dark, fire up the hot tub to soak away the stress under starry skies. Or snuggle up around the campfire for a few drinks and maybe even a sing-song. Whatever takes your fancy, make time to recharge and reconnect. Glamping is a break like no other and the experience is sure to leave you wanting to return very soon!