What a difference a year makes…

We are feeling rather reflective here at Under the Oak Glamping. It is a year since we started idly looking at glamping  pods on ebay, with a vague idea to ‘stick a couple up by the pond’! After all, we are lucky enough to live in a beautiful part of South Wales, with beaches, mountains and cities all within easy reach. Maybe people would want to come and stay here to explore all Caerphilly has to offer. It kind of gathered momentum after that and turned into an incredible, stressful, expensive, life-changing and rewarding adventure for all of us…

So we headed off to the glamping show to get inspired and do some research. We saw pods, yurts, domes, shepherd’s huts, tipis and tents. But when we saw the safari tent, it was love at first sight and we never looked back! We loved the self contained luxury it offered and our guests have been loving it too. One reviewer loved the  ‘fabulous accommodation where every detail has been carefully thought of -even the design of the safari tent is just beautiful!’

We planned and prepared all through the long hard winter. It rained relentlessly and then it froze and snowed-a lot! It seemed the weather was not on our side and opening for Easter was not looking likely. Sure enough, Easter came and went in a wet, muddy bog, but then at last, the sun came out.  We held our grand opening in glorious sunshine then nervously welcomed our first guests the next day. They loved it and we never looked back!

It has been an adventure, a rollercoaster and every other cliche you can think of but more than anything, it has been so much fun. We have met so many lovely people who have come from far and wide and loved their stays with us. And the happiness that brings us makes it all worthwhile. So we look to next season now with excitement and some ideas to give our guests an even more unique and incredible experience… watch this space!