Banish those winter blues…

It’s that time of year – Christmas is a dim and distant memory yet spring still seems so far away.  Yes it may be cold, it may be wet, it may be muddy but why not embrace the season and get out in the great outdoors?  Here are our top five ideas to help you get out there and blow those cobwebs away!


1  Discover geocaching  Once you start geocaching you will find it seriously addictive. Download the app onto your phone, find a cache near you and get hunting. It’s like a modern day treasure hunt which the whole family can get involved with. You may even tempt grumpy teens to join you! But beware – some are easy to find and some are fiendishly tricky.

2  Plan your next adventure Everyone needs something to look forward to and with Easter just around the corner, why not plan a getaway? Whether it’s discovering a new place or visiting your favourite place, book up and beat the rush.

3  Go for a walk  It’s free, and fresh air will put a spring in everyone’s step. Wrap up warm, get those wellies on and go exploring. We have amazing places to discover on our doorsteps. Whether it’s a castle, a country house, a mountain or a deep dark wood. And if it’s wet then just incorporate some puddle jumping!

4  Get in touch with nature  Dust down that I spy book of birds and get out investigating. Kids will love identifying sounds and spotting new ones to tick off and adults may even learn something new. If birds are not your thing then how about trees or mushrooms. There are plenty of discoveries to be made in the wild outdoors.

5 Hit the beach   It may not be the first place you think of for a day out in January but the beach in winter is an awesome place. Kids and dogs can run free. Sandcastles can be built and pebbles can be thrown or collected. For the most adventurous amongst you, how about a beach barbecue?

I hope we’ve inspired you to get out there and make some memories while we wait for the spring.